Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Violence on the Playground!

...or something like that.

Yesterday, my boy walked headlong into an Autism-induced "Idontwannaleavetheplayground" tantrum unleashed by one of his schoolmates.

I'm a little fuzzy on how it started (I think Vince just happened to be within reach), but the end result was this poor kid started flailing and scratched up Squirt's neck.

Yeah, I was a little concerned at first. (Understatement.)
But after consulting with the faculty, Lis and I are pretty sure that this was an isolated incident.
(Vigilance will be maintained, however.)

As for Vince, the trauma to his neck caused some severe reactions.
Actually, I think it might have itched a little. ;-)
He took the whole thing in stride, as usual.

Parents of Autistic kids tend to take these incidents a lot more seriously than their children.
I think I need to take a lesson from my son!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.