Tuesday, April 24, 2007

One class down, three to go.

The fall semester's starting to wrap up here at the U.
I've just completed a class on the history of Korea.
I still have a take-home final to accomplish, but it's nothing a couple days of effort can't fix.

I was sitting here trying to figure out what I should blog when my professor walked up to me out of the blue and expressed her gratitude for the hard work I put forth in her class.
She applauded my accomplishments in both my essays in light of the topic difficulty.
(The course required two 5-6 page papers on pre-modern and modern Korean history, respectively. I chose to write on Chang Po-Go and Yi Wanyong.)
And she gave me kudos for being insightful.

I must admit, it feels pretty darn good to get a pat on the back from an accomplished scholar.
Too bad this is her last semester. I would have loved to attend her "Two Koreas" course.

Best of luck at the University of Washington, Dr. Nam.
You'll be missed.

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