Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Classes are over!

All that's left are the finals.
I've got my Korean final due tomorrow and an "Age of Alexander" final on Monday.
My last test will be a Geography final on Tuesday.
After that, no class till late August. Awesome.

I had a pretty eventful last day.
It culminated with a panel discussion at the Hinckley Institute on the Asian American perspectives of the Virginia Tech shooting.
It started off pretty well, but I think one of the panel members might have been a bit too vocal for the audience's taste.
Once the Q&A started, it was go time. (I think I even heard a fight bell.)
Anyhow, the conversation got a little heated. But folks managed to keep their head.
...for the most part.

God, I'm so glad I study IR and not domestic issues.
I think it'll help me keep my hair a bit longer.

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