Friday, July 27, 2007

Pictures from Jessica's graduation!

Remember my niece, Jess?
Her Mom sent me some pictures from her HS graduation. It was a momentous occasion, as the guests of honor were my parents!

"Why is this so unusual," you ask? The trip marked my Mother's first long-distance outing since recovering from cancer and my Dad's first long-distance outing since...
Wow, since I graduated from Army Basic Training in 1991.

Congratulations, guys!
Here's my girl, posing with her proud parents! As the oldest child, Jess bears the burden of having to set a fine example for her siblings on how to properly lead an adult life.

Yeah. My brother looks very, um...confident...and proud.
Proud and Confident. ^_^;;;

Here's Jess posing with my Dad.
I've always had a healthy respect for my Old Man. He is singlehandedly responsible for the wonderful lives my siblings and our children lead. If it wasn't for him working up the nerve to move to the US, our family's history would have turned out very differently.

While my Mom tends to enjoy keeping up appearances within good society, my Dad's a much more practical man.

Take for example, this picture.
I'm pretty sure my loving Ma wanted to slap that hat off my Dad's head.
But in my Dad's mind, Burning Sun + Blazing Heat + Desert = Broad-rimmed Hat.

They're made for each other!

Thanks for the pictures, Cec!

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