Monday, November 1, 2010

A Quiet Moment...

Grad School: Hell of a first year.

In the past, I've tried to keep a steady routine of blogging for the sake of my own sanity if not for the benefit of my 2-4 readers.

But then came grad school and the huge siphoning of time and attention it requires.
It seems like a poor excuse considering how much I used to enjoy writing.

That's right, used to.
There was a time when I'd spend countless hours of my week writing stories, letters, anecdotes; anything that would let me put an outlet to the rush of thoughts spinning around in my head.

And I thought I was pretty good at it, too. I'd write something and my closest friends would read and comment on its quality for better or for worse. Most of the time I received kudos.

Then I went to college and writing became work.
Now the quiet little outlet of a socially awkward introvert became the method by which I was evaluated. My papers returned bloodier and bloodier, with criticisms outlining how I'm too dramatic or too exaggerated. The collegiate writing experience was a trial by fire and a whole new learning experience that left some pretty deep scars. Thanks, APA.

But now that I'm alone in an airport and stuck with nothing else to do but write, I find myself eager to spill my thoughts into this journal for no other reason other than to be
I mean, I could be working on my thesis or grading assignments or reading a newspaper, but I still can't fight the itch to put my simple musings onto paper.

Well, what do you know? Even after all my trials with academic composition, I guess I still like to write.The only thing that's changed is my methods.

I'll take a laptop over a pen and lined paper any day.

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