Sunday, June 8, 2008

Along Came Abuelita...

Oh happy day!
Abuelita's coming to town from L.A.

Amy knew something was up. We spent the morning tidying up and getting to Grandma Porch's house for the big day.

By the time I left for the airport, she was certain she was in for a big surprise!

I just don't think she was ready for it.
When she finally saw Abuelita again, she was a little reserved at first. That look says it all, no?

Vince didn't have a problem getting reacquainted with Mom.
She had plenty of hugs n' kisses for her.

Well, if she was good enough for Big Brother, she was good enough for her. Eventually, Amy started warming up.

Now look at them!
Thick as thieves and getting along wonderfully.

Enjoy the videos!

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